About me

Hi there! I'm Koen Van Damme, freelance software engineer, living and working in Belgium. This is a collection of articles I've written, about programming and mathematics. I'm currently (2017) working on a website with more mathematics articles, so stay tuned.

Recent articles

How to write a parser. This is a series of articles on the topic of parsing. It shows you how to develop your own parsers, using very simple techniques such as recursive descent parsing and schemas. It also gives a very gentle but high-level overview of the theory behind declarative grammars.

Turn your scripting language into a code generator. When generating large volumes of boilerplate code, you need a tool that keeps the input readable and the output properly indented. This article gives a few tips. It also offers some tools you can download and experiment with.

Data file formats for Tcl scripts. This article shows some very easy techniques for parsing text files in Tcl. It provides lots of examples to explain the techniques step by step.

Objects in Tcl. This article introduces the most common techniques for adding object-orientation to Tcl. None of the techniques requires recompilation, they're all written in pure Tcl. We also give pointers to many of the existing object systems for Tcl.

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