- Turn your scripting language into a code generator: When generating large volumes of boilerplate code, you need a tool that keeps the input readable and the output properly indented. This article gives a few tips.
Tcl scripting
- Data file formats for Tcl scripts: This article shows some very easy techniques for parsing data into a Tcl script. It provides lots of examples to explain the techniques step by step.
- Objects in Tcl: Introduces the most common techniques for adding object-orientation to Tcl. None of the techniques requires recompilation, they're all written in pure Tcl. We also give pointers to many of the existing object systems for Tcl.
- You can also find some of my contributions on the Tcl'ers wiki.
How to write a parser
- Here you can read a series of articles on how to write a parser in C++ or C#. It covers hand-written recursive descent lexing and parsing, and moves gently into more abstract/declarative forms of parsing.
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