Khan Academy: Sal Khan explains various topics in 10-minute videos while drawing equations and diagrams. These are lectures for high-school students and absolute newbies, and they take enough time to go into all the details. Topics range from math and physics to economy and even history.
TED is a conference where experts in various fields present their latest research or demonstrate remarkable new technologies. There are already close to 1000 videos on science, entertainment, new technologies, humanities, design, and many other topics.
The Cassiopeia Project: A large collection of excellent videos on various topics, from particle physics to evolutionary biology. They put a lot of effort into developing a visual language to represent concepts in a systematic way. I highly recommend these videos to anybody who is even remotely interested in science.
Ars technica is my favorite site for the latest technology news.
Tcl is one of the most flexible scripting languages out there.
The Tcl'ers Wiki: This is where the online Tcl community answers all the questions you never knew you had. Lots of cool Tcl and Tk tricks.
Richard Suchenwirth is the most famous Tcl wizard. His scripts systematically show off Tcl's flexibility. Very humbling ;-)
Ruby is another powerful scripting language, best known for its customizable control flow.
Lua is the smallest scripting language I've worked with. Its compactness makes it perfect for embedded programming. It is a bit on the slow side, because it avoids tricky optimizations that may not work well on all platforms.
Python is today's number 1 object-oriented scripting language.
SWIG is one amazing tool. It makes C or C++ code available in a variety of scripting languages including Tcl, Ruby and Python. I have used it dozens of times to produce quick tests of C++ systems.
IT-hare has a good page for beginning programmers, with links to many of today's popular languages. Thanks to the students of the After School Care Programs for pointing me to this valuable site!
Lambda the ultimate is a blog about programming languages. The discussions and the published papers are often quite academic and hard to follow. But sometimes there are announcements of interesting new programming languages, or accessible papers that offer deeper understanding of computer science.
A list apart is the starting point for web development and web page design.